Why are Logo Designs Expensive?

 Why are Logo Designs Expensive?

01 Education.

Although some are self-taught, most designers spent four (4) years and more to learn how to do this. Given that earning a degree will definitely cost money and time, this will assure you of the knowledge and skills of the artist, which will then add value and worth to your logo.

02 Work.

Designing, as a profession, takes work whether you believe it or not. It takes work learning the principles of design, understanding self-marketing, doing research, meeting with clients, going over calls, and giving presentations.

03 Money.

There's no such thing as free lunch. For artists, there's no such thing as free software and technology. Both of these will also require maintenance and upgrades from time to time which makes it expensive. Not to mention that college tuition isn't exactly cheap either.

04 Time.

Time spent on a single logo design varies from artist to artist. This, however, can last for at least 10-30 hours per design. Considering all experience, skills, education, and money, getting paid $2/hour of work doesn't even make the cut.

05 Talent.

This might come off as a shock to some, but designing takes talent. No matter how good a software or technology is, the design will always depend on the artist. Talent requires an artist to give all his time, effort, and money to improve himself-which then takes us back to number one.

Don't want . to pay for it? Do it yourself.

Then tell us how your design went on all our social media!