1. Keep your design simple.
The most significant tip for non-designers and new designers is to keep their design simple & straightforward. There's nothing more awful than a staggering plan that is hard to understand.2. Control the typography.
Typography is one of the important parts of designs. So for a beginner I suggest don't use a lot of different typography in your design, try to keep max 2-3 different new & beautiful fonts in your design.3. Use white space.
White space isn't exactly "white". What white space means is that there is an empty space without text or elements on it. It's the area of the design where it "breathes".4. Cohesive color palette.
Color palettes and color plans are pretty much as significant as the message you need to hand off with your design. Picking the ideal color combination, however, isn't in every case simple.5. Consider visual hierarchy.
Visual hierarchy is tied in with giving visual significance to certain components over others. In basic terms, it's the means by which headers are bigger than subheadings, and these thus are bigger than a crate of text.Did You Learn Something From This Post?
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