Tips to design better Cards in UI.

 Tips to design better Cards in UI

Cards are very important elements when it comes to UI design. Here are some tips while designing them.

Border Radius

Don't round inner elements the same amount as the card. Decrease it slightly for a better look.

Avoid using Scroll

Scrolling within a card can create a lot of confusion; Instead, use a "see more" button.

Use swipe Actions

Swipe actions on certain cards, (if 1-3 actions) are useful as they can make the process quicker.

Use Whitespace

It is essential to give each individual card room to be seen, read, and understood.

Use natural Shadows

Don't use the default settings in Shadows. Make your shadow not too dark and a good amount of blur + distance (Y-axis).

Elevate while moving

Make sure that the card which is being moved is above other elements. Add a shadow to it and in some cases, make it slightly larger.

Credit - Xitij Thakkar

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